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Voter Qualifications and Registration

Voter Qualifications and Registration
What is a Poll Worker?
Campaign Finance Reporting
Campaign Finance Reporting
Campaign Finance Reporting
A Poll Worker, one of the many mechanisms necessary for a successful election, is a citizen hired or volunteering to work the polls on Election Day abiding by rules and regulations set forth governing elections.
Each voter must vote at the precinct in which the voter lives. The location of your precinct is located on your precinct card. If you have misplaced your card or do not know where your precinct is located, please visit: http://mvp.sos.ga.gov/mvp.do to determine where you will vote.
If you have not received your new voter registration cards contact our office at (706) 743-8954.
Click to view Oglethorpe County Voting Precinct Locations
Challenge of Persons Voting Absentee Ballots
Any elector in the county may challenge the right of any other elector of the county, whose name appears on the list of electors to vote an absentee ballot if such elector cast an absentee ballot prior to 5:00 PM on the day before the election.