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Voter Qualifications and Registration

Voter Qualifications and Registration
What is a Poll Worker?
Campaign Finance Reporting
Campaign Finance Reporting
Campaign Finance Reporting
A Poll Worker, one of the many mechanisms necessary for a successful election, is a citizen hired or volunteering to work the polls on Election Day abiding by rules and regulations set forth governing elections.
This page is to provide some basic information for those interested in running for office in Oglethorpe County. For State level races, please see the Secretary of State's Website www.sos.ga.gov/elections and click on Candidate Info.
Qualifying Dates
You will officially declare your intention to run by completing a form and paying a fee during the following times:
Qualifying for the offices listed above will begin at 9:00 a.m. on Monday, March 4, 2024 and end on Friday, March 8, 2024 at NOON in the Board of Elections & Registration office at 41 Fairground Road in Lexington, Georgia. The General Primary will be held on May 21, 2024. Contact the Board of Elections office at 706-743-8954 for additional information.